jabiluss's Journal

jabiluss's Journal


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5 entries this month

little annoyance

18:56 Apr 23 2007
Times Read: 641

im starting to get annoyed at a few members comments or the lack there of. now i understand a commentless rate every now and again, its human to forget and then there is computer errors but really, i have 388 ratings and almost an eighth of those have no comments at all, its just the rate. I myself don't do that. I don't have a stamp up because im not that creative and its a cheap shortcut to get a higher status, just click stamp then hit a number. I take my time and write out a messege and if I can't think of one, I write the name down and visit it again later when I have an idea on what to write





01:24 Apr 22 2007
Times Read: 654

walks in holding a soap box with a sticker saying 'if found please return to Vampirewitch39 and sets it down sitting*

alright so this is about how my work day went. first off it simply started as normal, all I was dreading was that I had to work from 3 to 10 at an extremely boring job cause I forgot to bring a book. Now I guess it would be good to tell you that I work at a deli called Schlotzsky's and is actually a very nice place to work if you can find a way to entertain yourself for the long gaps between customers, but that is getting off topic.

As I said I got to work only hating the fact that I am a part time worker and had to work an 8 hour shift on a Saturday. I got there about ten minutes early as usual though I knew nobody for my shift would be there for another half hour and the people from the day shift were still there. Now when I got there they had a sudden rush of drive through orders lasting for about 5 cars so I helped. After that I looked on the schedule to see what hours I had next week only to find I'm not on it at all and my hours for today were crossed out. Now this is strange because I'm a good worker and they have no reason to fire me nor was I told I am.

After that I waited confused for a while until the owners son shows up to work and he'll be the head person that day so I asked him why I had no hours. Now I have worked for some jack asses before. My dad worked at a game shop and talked the owner into letting us work for store credit which I got nearly $300 worth during the summer and the owner was one hell of a jack ass. Now so was the owners son cause he tried to put his explanation to where he wasn't in the wrong but the hiring system his dad has.

Now of course after working for the game shop owner (who actually had everything signed under my dad's name cause he worked for the state and thus couldn't own a shop) I understand what he was saying in jackanese and it was. We're not going to fire you but not have you work. Also in case we ever need someone to fill in we expect you to drop everything you are doing on a dime and come in. FUCK. THAT.

After that I simply shrugged and worked until 6:30 which is when my soonest ride would be. During that time I made every order they had while the other two sat and talked. Now I understand the owner's son doing it. He was the manager and they never do anything. The girl I was working with though only got off her ass for a max of 1 minute at a time to run the cashier.

I shrugged it off not caring and had a few cookies and a cheese cake which we are supposed to pay for but since I was doing all the work I decided to help myself.

Now 6 rolls by and I have everything ready to leave but was still clocked in in case they needed me to make some orders before I left. So I sat there waiting. After about 25 minutes of nobody coming and me sitting waiting for my ride the owner's son decides to complain to me about not doing my job and simply lazing around for nearly half an hour. Now the only thing I could think of was 'You fucking hypocrite.' but I didn't want to get fired from my first job, I wanted to quit. But at that moment my ride showed up so I didn't get the chance yet.

*sighs rubbing my temples* when 3 people quit you do not hire 10 more damn idiots. *stands looking at the soap box* I suppose I should return this...... oh well I'll get to it later. I have to beat the crap out of a punching bag for a while first




Samuel pills XD

17:15 Apr 21 2007
Times Read: 657

EDIT!!! this is what is says in the white part

Samuel Pills:Will cause you to blame the green fairy inside your head for everything that goes wrong in life

Samuel Pills:Will cause you to blame the green fairy inside your head for everything that goes wrong in life
'What effect do you have on people?' at QuizGalaxy.com




in response

19:05 Apr 18 2007
Times Read: 663

i saw this off of a choice from the video's after the budweiser commercial in vampirewitch39's journal




i know its mean but

16:33 Apr 09 2007
Times Read: 670

alright so i went to the doctors for an appointment we had to check up on our well being(meaning how is our hearing and sight and such) and get everything up to date. well it seems that our vaccine cards are anything but up to date so we end up spending an hour sitting around waiting and at one point having to take a urine test(lets not go into it). anyway after all the waiting it seems that some of our shots aren't showing so we have to take them. i had to get 3, my brother 4, and my sister....15, yes 15! now the thing is you can have a max of 4 shots per visit so she has to go back 4 times. the funny part is she abhors shots and is such a drama queen about it. oh how i want to watch her squirm and yell in pain from the 5/8 of an inch needles lol



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